A 5-Step Broadband Strategy for Connecting the Underserved and the Unserved

by | Jun 17, 2020 | Blog

Tellabs 1000 MSAP Broadband Strategy

Broadband connectivity is absolutely essential now more than ever to battle our nation’s digital divide problem. Some studies have calculated that 83 million people in the USA lack access to high-speed internet services – many of whom live in rural areas. Other statistics indicate that during the current pandemic, 30 million underserved Americans were not able to access telehealth and online learning resources that were desperately needed. 

The Tellabs 1000 Multi-Service Access Platform (MSAP) embedded base can play a critical role in closing these gaps in metropolitan and rural areas. Tellabs broadband technologies already connect millions of homes and businesses across the USA. Consequently, Service Providers have the opportunity to upgrade and expand existing Tellabs broadband systems to deliver 100M/20M, 50M/5M and 25M/3M internet connectivity. The Tellabs 1000 MSAP is an ideal platform for large and small network operators participating in Connect America Fund and new Rural Digital Opportunity Fund (RDOF) national broadband stimulus programs.

Here are the 5-steps a Service Provider can take to help serve the underserved and unserved:

  1. Identify which Tellabs 1000 systems can reach the underserved and unserved customers. These system may have 22 card slot T1000 “DMAX” chassis or a smaller 10 card slot T1048 chassis.
  2. Once located, you can easily upgrade and expand these existing, and already operationalized, Tellabs 1000 systems in the most economical means possible. Simply add ADSL2+ 6+0B, ADSL2+ 6+6B or VDSL2 6+6 plug-in cards to a broadband-ready chassis.
  3. Additionally, you can enhance the performance of those chassis, and maximize their transport capacity, by installing the Gigabit Ethernet (GbE222) plug-in card into the same shelf as the xDSL service cards.
  4. Where a service provider chooses to optimize the outside fiber plant or aggregate gigabit Ethernet ports, you can install the new 10 Gigabit Ethernet (GbE226) plug-in card to transport all the broadband traffic from multiple GbE222 cards, enabling the highest possible DSL speeds over the Tellabs 1000 platform.
  5. Best yet, Tellabs professional services can assist with your broadband upgrade projects to ensure success. Our professional services can supplement your internal resources to plan, build and operate these access networks.

If you would like to access more information about our Broadband solutions, please  join us on our social media outlets, such as FacebookLinkedInTwitter, Instagram and YouTube.