7 Ways Tellabs Optical LAN Matches SDN Intent And Provides SDN Management Today

by | Aug 31, 2020 | Blog

Our past couple of blogs delved into how enterprise companies continue to deploy traditional copper-based LANs while investigating how to add Software Defined Networking (SDN) functionality inside buildings and across campus.

The previous blog covered why we think Tellabs Optical LAN is architecturally the first best choice for SDN and why legacy copper-based LANs are poorly suited to accommodate SDN.

At this point I can now explain how Tellabs Optical LAN already matches SDN intent and already supports SDN management today.

Today, Tellabs OLAN defines network resources in software-based global policies and dynamically allocates them based on real-time network needs. That certainly sounds SDN-like and here are 7 more similarities between OLAN and SDN:

  1. With OLAN, the architecture and equipment has centralized intelligence and management
  2. The OLAN ONTs are thin client, no local management, store no network info nor user info, matching SDN “white-box” type device
  3. Simple and automated operations with policy-based templates and profiles that dynamically control global traffic management parameters
  4. LAN agility is achieved with scalability through software based actions, M2M automation and plug-and-play of sub-tended connected and powered devices
  5. OLAN improves security with fewer points of vulnerability (fewer devices and fewer full-functioning port access) and less human touch
  6. Greater stability is enjoyed with high network availability from fewer moving parts at lower costs
  7. Savings are gained with lower operational costs and capital costs with OLAN

If you’d like to learn more about this topic, feel free to visit our Software Defined Networking solution summary online resources.

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