Optical LAN Eliminates Points of Vulnerability in the Network for US DoD and US Navy

by | Feb 1, 2018 | Blog

US Navy

Removing network points of vulnerability will be the objective of Tellabs Passive Optical LAN participation at AFCEA WEST 2018 and DON IT West Coast 2018 for the US DoD and US Navy. Tellabs will be showcasing tangible means to improve cybersecurity posture at our exhibit hall booth (Tellabs booth #1018) from Tuesday, February 6th through Thursday, February 8th.

JITC-certified Tellabs Optical LAN delivers a new IT technology and architecture that closes known security gaps in both civilian and defense networks. OLAN can help the US DoD and US Navy build and operate networks with fewer infrastructure, equipment and human weaknesses – for example:

Fiber cabling is inherently more secure than copper cabling:

  • Fiber is extremely difficult to tap and cannot be “listened to”
  • Fiber is not susceptible to interference nor does it introduce interference
  • Options for armored, alarmed and 24/7/365 monitored fiber with All-Secure PON

Passive Optical LAN reduces the amount of managed equipment in the main data room and eliminates managed equipment in telecommunications rooms, meaning:

  • Thousands less IT devices need to be secured via STIG
  • Few IP Addresses to be managed versus hundreds
  • One to two telecommunications room door entries to protect versus hundreds

Humans, along with the growing complexity of the modern IT network, continue to be the top contributors to network security threats:

  • Centralized intelligence and management of OLAN reduces human touch
  • Global profiles ensure consistent security policies and procedures are administered
  • Fewer personnel interacting with the network means tighter network access controls