BICSI Winter 2020 offers 10G demo, Ryerson University and APOLAN activities

by | Feb 3, 2020 | Event

BICSI Winter Conference 2020 in Tampa, Florida

There is going to be tons of great activities surrounding enterprise Optical LAN technologies, at this year’s BICSI Winter Conference 2020 in Tampa, Florida, from February 10th through 12th.

Tellabs and EXFO will host a live demonstration of 10G XGS-PON (you can watch the video of the demo by clicking here), transmitted along with 2.4G G-PON, with no conflicts over existing equipment, cabling, and splitter at the EXFO exhibitor booth #1031. Tellabs and EXFO aim to validate that a passive Optical LAN can cost effectively connect one gigabit to ten gigabit speeds over existing fiber infrastructure in support of the increasing network densities and capacities demanded by modern smart buildings.  What is especially exciting about this showcase, is that it will be the industry’s first viewing of the Tellabs FlexSym Optical Line Terminal One (aka OLT1) in action.

We are also excited that our long-standing customer David Lester, of Ryerson University, will be presenting on “Gigabit Passive Optical Network Powers Learning at Ryerson University’s Two Largest Residences“ on Wednesday, February 12th at 1:30 to 2:30 pm. Mr. Lester will be speaking about how Ryerson University achieved a better wireless network and internet connection for all its students by deploying fiber optic and PON technology. You can get more details about his presentation by visiting the BICSI Winter daily scheduler.

The Association for Passive Optical LAN (APOLAN) will be busy at BICSI Winter managing three activities, including a pre-conference 2-day Passive Optical LAN training, an exhibit hall booth (#123) and their annual members’ meeting when the 2019 APOLAN Member Award winners will be announced honoring member companies that have embraced the Association’s mission to educate and advocate the global adoption of passive optical LANs. You can read more about all the APOLAN events by checking out the APOLAN website page dedicated to BICSI Winter happenings.

If you’d like to get additional information about Passive Optical LAN, you can visit our social media outlets at FacebookLinkedInTwitter, Instagram and YouTube.