Erickson Living Trusts Tellabs Optical LAN For Its Always Connected Demand

by | Sep 21, 2016 | Blog

The tech-savvy residents at Erickson Living senior living properties demand all the latest electronic gadgetry as their kids, and grandkids, in their homes. In addition, there is the need to provide that same level of always-on connectivity at Erickson Living business services, fitness centers, clubs, dining, salons, pharmacy, general stores and healthcare facilities.

For Erickson Living, Tellabs Optical LAN is the perfect choice for providing fast speeds and highly reliable and secure connectivity for the residents, stores, restaurants and healthcare facilities, spread across Erickson Living’s beautiful sprawling campuses. In the case study Always Connected Technology in High Demand at Erickson Living Communities, Tellabs explains how the fiber-based Passive Optical LAN system enables the Multi-Dwelling Units (MDU) and the enterprise centric resident business services to enjoy:

  • Future-proof fiber optic network cablings infrastructure
  • Highly reliable and secure Passive Optical Network
  • Best in class wireless for both Wi-Fi and mobile phone connectivity

The catalyst for assuring Erickson Living’s staff and resident success is Tellabs’ valued partner Noovis. It is Noovis who did the designing, building, integrating, support and maintenance services for both the Passive Optical LAN and wireless networks for Erickson Living.

For more information, you can read the Erickson Living case study that covers Noovis and Tellabs Optical LAN installation at this modern senior living community.