One Optical LAN vs Copper LAN Cost Comparison Calculator and 11 Other Big Savings Worth Exploring

by | Sep 18, 2018 | Blog

Last week, Hospitality Technology Next Generation (HTNG) Fiber to the Room (FTTR) Workgroup released a fiber-based versus copper-based network cost comparison calculator for hoteliers.

This is the culmination of hard work completed by many industry experts from HTNG’s FTTR Workgroup. This calculator tool is meant to provide hoteliers with cost comparison estimate that can be used for initial evaluation of key architectural differences between a legacy copper and contemporary fiber network designs at proposed network upgrades at both resorts and hotels.

After you download the calculator, I highly encourage you to read the tab titled “G-PON Considerations.” The intent of this section is to highlight additional areas that fiber-based networks provide further cost savings for hoteliers that are not covered in the cost comparison calculator tool. These additional considerations are outside the scope of the calculator but warrant investigation by hoteliers because they can likely provide greater savings that far exceeds the typical reductions seen with CapEx and OpEx savings from POL.

  1. Extended connectivity makes it possible to connect Ethernet over 12 to 18 miles.
  2. Converging whole networks over a single fiber-based network can provide multiple savings.
  3. Space savings associated with the fiber cabling, OLT and ONTs can be advantageous.
  4. Migration to future speeds is assured by promoting fiber and limiting copper cabling.
  5. Cable lifespan is commonly warrantied by manufacturers for 25 years.
  6. Environmentally hardened OLTs and ONTs are used for both indoor and outdoor connections.
  7. Fiber is best for seaside resorts struggling with corrosion, lightning and other copper issues.
  8. POL can help with historical properties that have restriction on disturbing walls and ceilings.
  9. Simplified network design aids with training, technical labor shortage and skill-set gaps.
  10. Network reliability and security can be drastically improved with POL at a lower cost.
  11. Sustainability “green” contributions can be obtained with a fiber-based network design.