For our end-customers, our Tellabs Advantage Partner Program offer best-in-breed services that match specific vertical markets and geographical regions with the end-customers exact needs in mind. For our partners, the Advantage Partner Program is designed to offer unique opportunities for gaining differentiators to grow your total business by building a more expanded, and satisfying, relationship with the end-customers.

Multiband Global - Logo
Status: Bronze

Strategic Business Focus

Target multi-building, base building, and security network in primarily new construction and heavy renovation projects to displace traditional options.

Included Highlights 

Vertical Market Specializations

Business Enterprise, Construction, Healthcare, Hospitality, Multi-Dwelling Units

US Region(s) of Operation

East Coast US, Central US, West Coast US

Country of Operations

United States

Federal Government Highlights

Applicable Contracts

Clearance Certifications

Clearance Classifications