For our end-customers, our Tellabs Advantage Partner Program offer best-in-breed services that match specific vertical markets and geographical regions with the end-customers exact needs in mind. For our partners, the Advantage Partner Program is designed to offer unique opportunities for gaining differentiators to grow your total business by building a more expanded, and satisfying, relationship with the end-customers.

Tribalco - Logo
Status: Silver

Strategic Business Focus

Tribalco provides our customers with world-class information technology solutions that are secure, reliable, scalable, flexible, and cost-effective. We deploy highly-trained and experienced resources with the proven ability to deliver superior results. Tribalco has exceptional performance history of engineering, procuring, integrating, and maintaining enterprise solutions of varying size and complexity.

Included Highlights 

Vertical Market Specializations

Federal Government

US Region(s) of Operation

East Coast US, Central US, West Coast US, Alaska, Hawaii

Country of Operations

United States, Western Europe, Africa, Canada, Asia, Eastern Europe, South America, Caribbean

Federal Government Highlights

Applicable Contracts

  • GSA Alliant
  • Army CTS IDIQ
  • NASA SEWP V Group C & D
  • WCIS
  • SCC Europe
  • USAF Agency Catalog
  • DOE Agency Catalog

Clearance Certifications

  • TSSCI if needed

Clearance Classifications