Optical LAN Base Software FlexSym OLT2

Optical LAN Base Software FlexSym OLT2

Tellabs Optical LAN Series takes a tiered software approach that optimizes pricing that matches the exact requirements of market and customer. The tiered software starts with Base System Software and then builds value with additional Optional Advanced Software...
Optical LAN Base Software FlexSym OLT2

Advanced Availability Software Package FlexSym OLT2

Tellabs Advanced Availability Software Package deliver real-time and critical services that demand high availability, stability, uptime and security. Tellabs Optical LAN is the optimal choice for enterprises because it provides superior reliability with centralized...
Optical LAN Base Software FlexSym OLT2

Advanced NAC Software Package FlexSym OLT2

Tellabs Advanced Network Access Control (NAC) Software Package provides secure enforcement of authentication policy dynamically for users, and devices, attached to the network via best-of-breed policy managers. It helps enterprise LANs shrink the network attack...
Optical LAN Base Software FlexSym OLT2

Advanced Operations Software Package FlexSym OLT2

Tellabs Advanced Operations Software Package helps control processes and ensure policy consistency with more automated and M2M actions. It enables the end-to-end enterprise LAN to be controlled in a software defined management manner. In turn, process and policy...
Optical LAN Base Software FlexSym OLT2

Advanced Security Software Package FlexSym OLT2

Tellabs Advanced Security Software Package plays a vital role in ensuring a more secure LAN. It enables centralized network intelligence and management, which means consistent security policies and procedures are implemented error-free. It helps enterprise LANs shrink...