True Enterprise Optical LAN Must-Haves

True Enterprise Optical LAN Must-Haves

Optical LAN (OLAN) delivers the key features needed in a true enterprise LAN – features that a residential-based Passive Optical Network (PON) offering just cannot meet. Your LAN is not just triple-play traffic flows (e.g. telephone, TV and Internet) between service...
Wi-Fi network design complexities and how Optical LAN simplifies

Wi-Fi network design complexities and how Optical LAN simplifies

The workplace is changing. Digital transformation is hitting us like a tidal wave. If that crashing wave was 10’ tall, then the post global pandemic adaptations in the office (e.g. hybrid workplace model) have increased the speed and impact of the wave 10 times. With...
Passive Optical LAN: The What, How and Why

Passive Optical LAN: The What, How and Why

The useful life expectancy of traditional enterprise network infrastructure is regrettably short. At each one of these upgrades, the switch and cable manufacturers expected you to rip-and-replace your hardware and infrastructure. Each higher bandwidth step and faster...