Webinar Replay: Best practices for Optical LAN enabling Open, Healthy and Smart building connectivity

by | Mar 24, 2020 | Event

Optical LAN used for open, healthy, smart buildings and IoT

Watch our on-demand webinar replay now, and  you will learn how Tellabs Optical LAN is the superior design for connecting open, healthy and smart buildings, and the thousands of Internet of Things (IoT) devices associated with a modern workplace. This webcast will detail real-world user case studies gathered from recent OLAN installations in contemporary office environments.

Webinar Replay: Best practices for Optical LAN enabling Open, Healthy and Smart building connectivity

Click here to see this on-demand webcast now!

Anyone notice that in a 21st century workplace the doors, walls, ceilings, and closed rooms are disappearing, and at this same time smart building Internet of Things (IoT) connectivity grew 21% in the past 12-months? In the modern office place that is designed to be more productive and healthier – where do we stack Ethernet switches, and hide ugly bundles of copper cabling? And how do we keep pace with the bandwidth capacity, and the sheer density of connectivity, needed to satisfy the explosive demands of smart building and IoT?

Traditional LAN architecture is certainly not the answer with its telecom rooms full of racked switches and pathways choked with bundles of cables. When these legacy switched networks were conceived, they were created to connect a limited number of non-real-time and non-critical endpoints. Now compare that to the heritage of Passive Optical Networking which was built to connect millions of real-time and emergency services, over a fiber infrastructure in less space, with less human touch, more automation, greater reliability and strict security.

That is why Tellabs Optical LAN is the first best choice for open, healthy, smart buildings and IoT automated connectivity because OLAN:

  • Breaks traditional network barriers for connecting modern smart buildings and IoT
  • Can connect any network design, cable, service and IoT endpoint
  • Offers faster installs with automated connectivity of users, devices, and services
  • Scales bandwidth capacity, and number of connected devices, with true network needs
  • And, ensures the least disruptive path to future technologies, including wireless

You can now view our on-demand webinar replay at your convenience, and download slides from the webinar.

And, if you’d like to learn more about Tellabs Optical LAN solutions, you can engage with us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.