Webinar: Optimize Your Connect America Funded Broadband Network Upgrades

by | Nov 28, 2018 | Event

Watch this on-demand webinar and you can learn how your existing Tellabs 1000 MSAP footprint can be better leveraged to optimize investment, and accelerate targets, for your Connect America Funded projects.


Optimize Connect America projects using our Tellabs 1000 MSAP


The CAFII/A-CAM program is currently in year 4 of a 6-year initiative to improve our nation’s access to high-speed broadband services. Up until now, prudent business decisions have driven service providers to use CAFII/A-CAM funding to subsidize the cost of building new access network infrastructure in their more populated, and less rural, serving areas. No doubt, the remaining census block areas that need to be addressed are perceived as more challenging (i.e. smaller, rural, 25M/3M, higher construction cost, lower homes passed projections).

We can help you tackle these more difficult serving areas with a strategy that uses your Tellabs 1000 MSAP embedded base. This can be done easily by upgrading and expanding your existing Tellabs broadband systems to provide 10M/1M or 25M/3M service. We can do this at a lower cost, and faster time to market than a CAFII/A-CAM strategy that does not include the Tellabs 1000.