You are 3 easy, and cost-effective, steps from competitive CAFII broadband services

by | Aug 15, 2018 | Blog

The Connect America Fund (CAF) is the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) program to expand public access to voice and broadband services in rural and remote areas that lack high-speed connectivity. The FCC’s CAF Phase II (CAFII) program allocates funding to service providers to subsidize their cost of building new network infrastructure, or performing network upgrades, that results in broadband service being delivered to unserved or underserved areas.

So, what’s the most cost effective way to deliver broadband services?

The Tellabs 1000 Multiservice Access Platform (MSAP) has served rural and remote regions with high-speed broadband connectivity for decades. The Tellabs 1000 MSAP is the ideal embedded access platform for service providers to cost effectively satisfy the 10M downstream / 1M upstream and 25M downstream / 3M upstream CAFII requirements.

This highly competitive CAFII solution can be achieved in 3 easy steps!

  1. First, add ADSL2+ 6+0B, ADSL2+ 6+6B or VDSL2 6+6 plug-in card to a broadband-ready Tellabs 1000 Channel Bank Assembly (CBA), either the 22 card slots CBA1120 or the smaller 10 card slots CBA1048.
  2. You can enhance the performance of the Tellabs 1000 CBA and maximize its transport capacity by installing the Gigabit Ethernet (GbE222) plug-in card into the same shelf as the xDSL service cards.
  3. Finally, where a service provider chooses to optimize the outside fiber plant or aggregate gigabit Ethernet ports, you can install the new 10 Gigabit Ethernet (GbE226) plug-in card to transport all the broadband traffic from multiple GbE222 cards.